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Conferencing Transmission/Reconstruction will initiate a dialogue
between the nomadic artist and the experience of the refugee artist,
concerning in particular the slippages of self, nationality, identity
that are so characteristic of the current global condition. Sebastian
Lopez will moderate a series of talks from artists, actors and
organisations that have personal witness to such topics. By addressing
particular issues in the Netherlands as well as Europe and abroad, the
inside personal experience will be turned outwards through a day of
dialogue and exchange.
Special guests will include:
Heidi Lobato (AN/NL), director of the film festival 'Africa in the picture', former director of the Amnesty Film festival
Fernando Alvim (ANG/BEL), visual artist from Angola, lives in Luanda and Brussels
Krishna Manjit Kaur (IND/NL), performance artist, dramatist and filmmaker, author of the book: 'Moons, Myths and Marriages'
Soheila Najand (IRN/NL), visual artist form Iran, based in Arnhem, director of InterArt Foundation
Bright O'Richards (L/NL), Liberian actor, lives in Utrecht
Sharmila Samant (IND), visual artist lives and works in Mumbai, co-founder of Open Circle http://www.opencirclearts.org
Moderator, director of Gate Foundation
Sebastián López was born and raised in Argentina, upon fleeing the Vidella regime arrived in Amsterdam, after having studied in Madrid and N.Y.C. In 1983 he organized the first refugee artists' conference in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam and has taught at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Leiden. Since 1987 López is the director of the Gate Foundation and is a respected art critic, exhibition organizer and theoritician. Last year he organized ‘A Short History of Dutch Video Art’, which has traveled to different locations around the world. He is presently the curator of the Shanghai Biennale for 2004(opening September 28).
The Gate Foundation is an international platform in Amsterdam that promotes and supports artists of all ethnicities while focusing on non-western artists. A podium for lectures, a forum for discussion, and an exhibition space all at the same time, The Gate Foundation also houses one of the most comprehensive contemporary mondial art libraries in the world, thereby existing as a unique local resource center. Moderator: Sebastian Lopez (AR/NL), director Gate Foundation.
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